Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 15 - Cell Reproduction - Mitosis and Mieosis

Friday July 24th.

Here we are on the last big push!

This weekend I want to encourage all students to study chapter 5 for their quiz on Monday. They should also be reviewing their chapter quizes and assignments, as well as their unit tests for the final exam Thursday.

We will first hand back and enter results from the worksheet on Ohm's law to close out our work on Electricity. We will then go over the results for the Unit 1 test, and go over the individual answers. This is important as I will be using Unit Tests and Chapter Quizzes to create the bulk of the questions for the Comprehensive Final Exam. Today we will be going over and answering one at a time the questions from the chapter review on page 184, questions # 1-10. The students will then complete Chapter 5 Review on Pg 184 - # 11 - 26 as their ticket out the door. This will be crucial for them to succeed on the Chapter 5 quiz on Monday.

This is a good online description and quiz of mitosis and meiosis.

Here is a great video on Mitosis

And this is Meiosis. How are these two processes similar? Can you find some differences between the two?

Here is how next week looks:

Monday -Chapter 5 Quiz complete work on chapter 6

Tuesday - Mark work on Chapter 6 and prepare for Unit Test on Biology

Wednesday - Unit Test on Biology - Prepare for Final Exam

Thursday - Final Exam - Begin Astronomy (2 assignments likely)

Friday Finish Astronomy and hand in.

These are the assignments due Monday